Thank You
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for welcoming me to the blogging world! This stuff is pretty addicting, between reading everyone elses and looking for new things to do to mine, it eats up alot of my down time! Yesterday we had some internet outage and I was a dissappointed that I couldn't get on......actually I was just bummed cause I had to do housework instead. The mundane tasks of doing housework is not my cup of tea. And when you have kids it feels like why bother, they are just going to make it a mess again anyway. I don't know about anyone elses kids but mine play so much better when their rooms are a wreck. If I put everything away it's like they don't even want to go in their rooms. So, when I need to get something done, without two little ones under my feet, we go in and take out all of their toys. Then right before daddy gets home we make a mad dash to put them all away.
Cole, who just turned four seems to be going through yet another testing me phase. Normally he listens pretty well, but lately for some reason he has become very defiant. I know he is just displaying his ablility to make his own decisions, but his decisions are getting him into alot of trouble. It's worse when his father is home too, it's like he puts on a show for daddy. I think Ryleigh is enjoying it though, it seems takes the heat off of her terrible two moments. Her new thing is singing the Barney know the I love you, You love me song. It was cute the first forty times she sang it but now.......ugggg. It's kinda funny cause you can't wait till your children walk and talk and then when they do you can't wait to play the- Let's see who can be the quitest game. Especially when they ask you a question and then proceed to tell you that your answer is wrong, that's always fun! LOL, you gotta love it.
Hope everyone has a good day, keep Texas in your prayers ( damn hurricanes!)
Cole, who just turned four seems to be going through yet another testing me phase. Normally he listens pretty well, but lately for some reason he has become very defiant. I know he is just displaying his ablility to make his own decisions, but his decisions are getting him into alot of trouble. It's worse when his father is home too, it's like he puts on a show for daddy. I think Ryleigh is enjoying it though, it seems takes the heat off of her terrible two moments. Her new thing is singing the Barney know the I love you, You love me song. It was cute the first forty times she sang it but now.......ugggg. It's kinda funny cause you can't wait till your children walk and talk and then when they do you can't wait to play the- Let's see who can be the quitest game. Especially when they ask you a question and then proceed to tell you that your answer is wrong, that's always fun! LOL, you gotta love it.
Hope everyone has a good day, keep Texas in your prayers ( damn hurricanes!)
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