Baa Humbug
I have officially lost all of my Christmas spirit, sad I know. I did have Christmas spirit earlier but it is COMPLETELY gone now. We are having some trouble with one of our tenants and are in the process of evicting them and I just feel like they are sucking the life right out of me. I did try to get out of having Christmas at our house this year but it didn't work. My inlaws have convinced me that there is more room at our house for everyone, which is true, so I said ok. But, now I am going to have to put on a happy face and pretend like I am having a great time, when all I really want to do is crawl under a rock. I begrudgingly put up my decorations yeterday but it didn't feel the same as past years. It was very joy really. I wonder if anyone will notice if we don't get a tree. I feel bad for the kids, I just don't have it in me this year. I am trying to put a front on for them, but I know kids can sense when something isn't right. There must be something wrong with me as I sit here crying while writing this post. I hope this dark cloud passes over me soon. I love Christmas time and want to be able to enjoy it, especially for the kids.
On a different note, we went sleigh riding yeterday. Cole and Ryleigh had a blast! Ryleigh just laughed and giggled all the way down the hill, she loved it. Cole tipped the sled over at the bottom of the hill and Ryleigh did a face plant but got up laughing anyway. She's not afraid of anything, unlike her brother who is alot more cautious.
Ok, well.. maybe a hot shower will make me feel better, so long for now.
On a different note, we went sleigh riding yeterday. Cole and Ryleigh had a blast! Ryleigh just laughed and giggled all the way down the hill, she loved it. Cole tipped the sled over at the bottom of the hill and Ryleigh did a face plant but got up laughing anyway. She's not afraid of anything, unlike her brother who is alot more cautious.
Ok, well.. maybe a hot shower will make me feel better, so long for now.
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