Monday, June 12, 2006

Cali Trip Day 1

So the trip didn't start out so well. We arrived at the airport at 4pm on friday night, thinking that our flight was leaving at 6pm. They told us at 5:30 the plane was running 20 minutes late and we thought no big deal we have an hour lay over in philly so we should be fine. Not the 7 they told us that they were boarding the plane but any one that had a connection to San Diego should reschedule because we weren't going to have enough time to make the connecting flight. Yeah right..try telling that to a 3 and 4 year old who have been hyped up all week and who have just waited three hours to get on a plane. We felt really bad, they didn't understand and poor Cole was crying. Thank goodness we got a flight for 7:30am the next morning.

The ride to the airport, look how excited they are!

Watching for our plane to come in.

I can't believe we waited for 3 hours and didn't get to get on a plane.