Friday, October 06, 2006

Busy Bee

I'm not slacking...i'm just busy and stuff. We evicted one of our tenants so my entire week has consisted of cleaning and painting. These people were DISGUSTING!! I am pretty sure they were either allergic to cleaning supplies or they must have never heard of them. I had to use a scraper to get the gungk off of a winowsill. I am pretty sure they never opened a window because they are all covered in spiderwebs and nastyness. The good news is that it is already rented. One of our other tenants granddaughter and fiance want it. So as soon as we can get it ready it is all theirs.
On another note, Cole is playing soccer and he loves it. I wasn't able to make it to the practice yesterday because I was waiting for the appliance people to come pick up our old appliances. But when I did get there I saw him make a goal! The "coach" says he plays very well. He only has two more practices and they are done for the season. I need to get batteries for my camera so I can take a video of him playing. He only has a half day of school today and then a dentist appointment and then Tae Kwon Do run run. I am going to look into getting Ryleigh into a dance class soon. She needs a little more stimulation during the day, I hope she gets into preschool in January. Keep your fingers crossed!
Ok I have laundry to do so Peace Out.

Oh yeah, I also started a family blog last night for my moms side of the family. It's called Dysfunctional Donatos.....and if that isn't the truth I don't know what is!?!?!?!