Monday, October 16, 2006

Good weekend

What a nice weekend I had. On friday night I went to the Outback for some awesome steak with my girlfriends. Where my friend Shannon let everyone know that she is 7 weeks pregnant :) . It is a planned pregnancy, this will be her 2nd child, she is VERY excited and is kinda hoping for a boy this time. After dinner I stayed at Kristina's house for a little while and just held her 3 week old son. That's about the only time I want another one...when they are sleeping. Then saturday mom, Ange and I headed to Oneonta to watch a play that Nikki was on the crew for. I was little worried because that morning I woke up feeling like I wanted to murder someone for no appearant reason, but thank goodness that mood passed. The play was really good (that is after the first scene). Sorry Nik, but I wasn't sure I was going to be able to sit through the whole thing if it dragged on like that first scene. It got soooo much better...especially the end. Then on Sunday I stayed in my pajamas all day and read a book, it's been a while scince I have gotten to read. That's about it, all in all it was a good weekend. Tonight I am headed to the auction to get Mike a desk, rug and a heater so I can evict him out of the dining room and move his butt to the basement. I hope I get them for cheap!!! Either way he is moving ;) love ya honey!!!!hehehe