Wednesday, November 30, 2005

This is the new thing, hugging the TV whenever a toy commercial comes on.  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Last night we had a surprise birthday party for my mother-in-law, which turned out great! She was completly shocked and even shed a few tears! Yeah, mission completed, we did it Kar. I love when a plan comes together, especially when it's been in the works for 3 months! 50 people came and not one person leaked anything. We had it at the Italian American Community Center and we hired the same DJ Kari had at her reception. My MIL was up dancing for almost every song, what a blast!

Thanksgiving was good. My family came over here and I cooked my first was I supposed to know that there are two holes in the turkey that they put things in! So after cooking for two hours my mom says you cleaned out both holes real good right? "BOTH holes...what are you talking about"? OMG!! Mike and I pulled the very hot turkey out of the oven and try to lift the stupid thing in a way that it won't burn anyone or fall on the floor and I dug the bag of crap out of the front. Thank goodness the plastic bag it was in didn't melt...not so sure everyone likes plastic on their turkey. Other than that little mishap everything went pretty smooth.

I have started Christmas shopping and can't wait till I just have it done. I don't mind doing it, I just like to have everything done. Hopefuly we will put up our tree soon, maybe next week sometime. Cole and Ryleigh went and saw Santa and were really good about it. They even told him what they want....they usually just hide their heads and act shy. I think Cole is at the age where he really believes in Santa, it's so much more fun now!

Happy shopping everyone!

The life of the party

The video came out really dark, but you can still kind of see my Ryleigh shaking her booty with her aunt Kari. There were more pictures taken of her last night then ever.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Ok, obviously I have officially winterized my blog. What do you think? I am still looking around for other things to do to it, but this will do for now.

Here is Cole's really bad school pic. Thank goodness he is having them redone. Not only is it a bad pic but I had ordered a different background.( He will be losing the white collar too). Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 13, 2005

New blog

I have been working on my winter blog and it is coming along nicely, now I just have to wait for winter to post it. I found this website which has some really cool codes, i have used the snow effect from it. I plan on using some others, but I thought someone else might like some of the codes.

Girls Weekend

I know it seems like i've been doing this a lot lately, but it usually only occurs once every 3-4 months. Anyway, the girls and I went back up to Lake George for the weekend and had a great time. Kristina has a friend who travels a lot and owns a condo up there so we got to stay for free. We went horse back riding (my poor butt!!) and hit the outlets. We really wanted to eat at the Log Jam for dinner but there was an hour wait so we decided to try the Sweet Basile....good decision! I would recommend this place to anyone visting Lake George. I was a little skeptical at seemed a little diner'ish... but the food was great. I had steak and lobster...mmmmmm. After we had filled our bellies to the point where we had to be rolled out, we went back to the condo and did our usual get drunk and play games all night. I love girls weekend! Our next trip will be in January where we will be going to Florida..can't wait!

Don't you wish you could do this? Posted by Picasa

Me and Shady Lady. So this was my horse (the angle of this pic makes her look really small,but she wasn't). She kinda had a mind of her own, she had to stop and get a drink, we were in the middle so it held everyone up, then she had to stop to pee,again holding everyone up. I felt bad for the poor guy behind me, appearantly Shady Lady had a lot of fiber that morning because she couldn't stop farting. All while trying to keep her away from the horse in front of us because it wanted to kick my horse in the face everytime we got too close. Over all it was a great time though. Posted by Picasa

Hi girls! Posted by Picasa

This is Shady Lady. Posted by Picasa

4 of the 5 of us,waiting for our horses. Posted by Picasa

I learned how to use the timer on my camera this weekend, yeah. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Have you or Haven't you

I've been tagged and tag Nikki

Bold is for "dids"
Normal is for "did-nots

smoked a cigarette (only for a year, right after I graduated high school)
crashed a friend's car
stolen a car
been in love
been dumped
shoplifted (stuid,stupid,stupid)
been fired
been in a fist fight
snuck out of your parent's house (never had to, I was the good child)
had feelings for someone who didn't have them back (You mean Orlando Bloom doesn't love me?)
gone on a blind date

lied to a friend
skipped school
seen someone die
had a crush on one of your internet friends
been to Canada
been to Mexico
been on a plane (Hawaii was worth the fear!)
purposely set a part of yourself on fire
eaten sushi (Yuck NEVER!)
been jet-skiing
met someone in person from the internet
been moshing at a concert
taken pain killers (does aspirin count?)
loved and missed someone

made a snow angel
had a tea party
flown a kite
built a sand castle
gone puddle jumping
played dress up (I am a girl right? )
jumped in a pile of leaves (like, who has never done these things?)
gone sledding
cheated while playing a game (for the kids)
been lonely
fallen asleep at work or school
used a fake id
watched a sun set
felt an earthquake
touched a snake
slept beneath the stars
been robbed
been misunderstood
petted a reindeer/goat
won a contest (I just did today, I won tickets to see Ryan Cabrera)
ran a light/stop sign
(got 5 tickets, all at the same time)
been suspended from school
been in a car accident (damn gaurd rails are always in the way,lol)
eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
had deja vu
danced in the moonlight
liked the way you looked at least at one point in time
witnessed a crime (I can't talk about it)
been obsessed with post-it notes
squished barefoot through the mud
been lost(Not the best with direction)
been on the opposite side of the country (Love San Diego!)
swam in the ocean
cried yourself to sleep
played cops and robbers
recently colored with crayons (I have a 2 and 4 year old, what do you think?)
sung karaoke
paid for a meal with only coins
done something you told yourself you wouldn't
made prank phone calls
laughed until some kinda beverage came out of your nose
caught a snow flake on your tongue
written a letter to Santa Claus (it's been awhile)
been kissed under the mistletoe by your boy/girlfriend
watched the sun rise with someone you care about (thanks Kar, I forgot about this one)
blown bubbles
made a bonfire on the beach

laughed so hard you pee your pants
cheated on a test ( boy I guess i really wasn't the good child i thought i was)
been kissed by someone you didn't like
gone skinny dipping in a pool

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hooked on phonics worked for me!!

Maybe next time, I will read the instructions all the way thru, YEAH it's working!


Ok, so yesterday I tried to do some new things to my blog and just about none of them worked, I am getting frustrated!!!!! I found the code to make it "snow" on my site...actually I changed the snow flake to leaves...and it looks great in the preview and I saved the changes and republihed the damn post, but it won't show up on the site. Has anyone else had this problem? I also have a code to change the that it is trailed by an image..and again it showed on the preview but not on the site. WTF???? Any suggestions are welcome!!
p.s. thank goodness I am going to get my massage today!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Nothing New

There really isn't anything going on that is worth posting about today. I am looking around to try and find new things to put on the site, i'm already bored with what I have. Maybe something exciting will happen tomarrow. 'Till then- bye

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ahhhh to be young and carefree again. Posted by Picasa

We had to go to our neighbors yard to get any good leaf action. Our leaves are all brown and shriveled up. I have no idea what they are looking at in this pic. Posted by Picasa

Hurry up and take the pic mom we are trying to play in the leaves ya know. Posted by Picasa

Cheese Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

New song

I added this song because it Cole's new favorite to sing.