Thursday, September 29, 2005


Can my son jam or what?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Nothing to say

Just another beautiful day hanging out with the kids! Nothing to blog about, maybe tomarrow will bring more. Heres some pics from today.

Nice hair Ry! Posted by Picasa

Hi Mom! Posted by Picasa

Superman Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 26, 2005

No more candy!

East Greenbush celebrated it's 150th birthday this past weekend with a parade, rides, clowns, fireworks and other stuff for the kids. Cole and Ryleigh had a great time! I did have pics to post, but for some reason they are coming out huge and i can't figure out how to make them smaller.

I do not usually give my children candy, but at the parade it was being tossed to them by the handful and how could I tell them they couldn't have it. If I had let them they would have eaten it all right then and there. I know it's a nice treat for them, but with the obesity epidemic in children in the US don't you think they should find something else to throw at them? Children DO NOT need candy. I'm not saying my children...or me for that matter.... don't eat sweet things (like fruitsnacks) but it's done in moderation. I don't know why it's bothering me so much this morning, but it breaks my heart to see all of these overweight children and to imagine what they are going to have to endure throughout their lives. Between the ridicule and mean comments and the diseases that go hand in hand with obesity (ie. diabetes and heart problems). It really kills me to know that the parents of these children are letting this happen. It's OK to say NO to your children people. Don't be afraid of a little discipline, children need rules!

Ok, I'll get off my high horse now. I don't even know where that came from. Anyway, it was a good weekend, friday night Mike and I went out again with some of my ex-coworkers to celebrate three of our birthdays and had a great time! We went to an Irish pub/restuarant called Parting Glass in Saratoga. They had live music....Ian you missed it one of the guys had on a kilt....which was pretty good. Although it took away from the atmosphere when they were reading the lyrics. We were all drinking so it didn't really matter. The kids stayed at Nana and Poppy's again, which they love to do. Especially when they get to go in the hot tub!

I'm going to try and figure out how to resize the pics and get them on here. 'Till then bye

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Thank You

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for welcoming me to the blogging world! This stuff is pretty addicting, between reading everyone elses and looking for new things to do to mine, it eats up alot of my down time! Yesterday we had some internet outage and I was a dissappointed that I couldn't get on......actually I was just bummed cause I had to do housework instead. The mundane tasks of doing housework is not my cup of tea. And when you have kids it feels like why bother, they are just going to make it a mess again anyway. I don't know about anyone elses kids but mine play so much better when their rooms are a wreck. If I put everything away it's like they don't even want to go in their rooms. So, when I need to get something done, without two little ones under my feet, we go in and take out all of their toys. Then right before daddy gets home we make a mad dash to put them all away.

Cole, who just turned four seems to be going through yet another testing me phase. Normally he listens pretty well, but lately for some reason he has become very defiant. I know he is just displaying his ablility to make his own decisions, but his decisions are getting him into alot of trouble. It's worse when his father is home too, it's like he puts on a show for daddy. I think Ryleigh is enjoying it though, it seems takes the heat off of her terrible two moments. Her new thing is singing the Barney know the I love you, You love me song. It was cute the first forty times she sang it but now.......ugggg. It's kinda funny cause you can't wait till your children walk and talk and then when they do you can't wait to play the- Let's see who can be the quitest game. Especially when they ask you a question and then proceed to tell you that your answer is wrong, that's always fun! LOL, you gotta love it.

Hope everyone has a good day, keep Texas in your prayers ( damn hurricanes!)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I saw this on Kari's SIL's sisters blog and thought it was neat, it gives you the meaning of names:

Victorious people : Greek
You are a deep thinker and student of life using your intuition and natural detective ability to seek truth and hidden knowledge. Peaceloving and compassionate you are nonetheless strong-willed and courageous in confronting challenges. Although your approach to life tends to be on a mental level it is important for you to see your ideas and concepts take form in the material world. Your talents and leadership skills give you great potential for a distinguished career.

Idealistic, sensitive and emotional you appreciate beauty and need to have a harmonious environment. You are a dependable and conscientious worker and attract material rewards without too much effort. However your altruistic nature is one of giving and service to others with a desire to make the world a better place and you work towards this end. Your affectionate, sincere and understanding manner means that you are much loved.

I can already see Cole's meaning coming to fruition, but Ryleigh's we'll have to wait and see.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Good Weekend!

I had a good weekend, went to dinner with friends friday night, had alone time with my hubby on saturday and had family over on sunday. It can't get much better than that! Mike and I went and saw Wedding Crashers, very funny! I did not realize that it is $9.75 to see a movie now, wow. I'll probably wait from now on until they come out on video. As dysfunctional as my family is, I still enjoy having them over- especially when it's my birthday and they bring cake! All the kids enjoy seeing my brother show off doing stunts on his quad. It's funny to see them trying to do wheelies on a small battery operated 4 wheeler like Uncle Josh. It's so much fun when Ian, Kari and Scott come over, Cole loves to follow Scott around on the quads. Aunt Kari brought new sneakers for the kids and Ryleigh didn't take them off all night until it was bed time.

When I dropped Cole off to school this morning poor Ryleigh was very upset. She wanted to stay with him. "But I love my Coley" she said, talk about breaking your heart! He could care less, he just sat down with a book and didn't even say goodbye to us. She is doing better now though, playing doctor with her baby. She really is a girlie girl, she loves nail polish and earings and pretty stuff, yet she can keep up with rough housing with her brother. A good combination I think.

Alright, I need to go eat some breakfast, that chocolate cake is calling to me!

Here's my brother.


Friday, September 16, 2005

Dinner with friends

Monday is my birthday and tonight I am going out to dinner with my closest friends from high school and I am very excited. Although we live only 20 minutes from each other we only get together every couple of months :( . The kids will be spending the night at my in-laws (thank god for them). I could use a break! Mike and I are going shopping tomarrow for school clothes for Cole and maybe, just maybe we will catch a movie. I can't tell you the last movie I saw in a theater, it's been a while. We have taken the kids to the drive-ins a couple of times this summer, but it's not the same. Speaking of the kids, they are waking up from their naps now so i'll blog tomarrow.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

New school time

Cole went to his new school for orientation yesterday. He had a blast so I think that the move to a new school is not going to bother him in anyway. He is such an adaptable child. He was starting to get a little restless being home everyday all day with just me and Ryleigh. He is excited to make new friends. I'm a little weary of his teacher, she just rubs me the wrong way, hopefully she's good with Cole. He starts classes on monday- 2 1/2 hours a day 5 days a week. Ryleigh and I will finally get a little one on one time :) , though i'm sure she'll miss her brother. They are so close and do everything together, which i hope lasts through out their childhood ( just a little wishful thinking, right?).


Ok, it is quite appearant to me that i need help with this blog. I obviously have the basic boring blog, but would like to spruce it up. I have been to and have pic's on there but i don't know how to get them on to here, any advice?

too cute Posted by Picasa

So i thought i would try this blogging thing out, let's see how it goes.