Monday, February 27, 2006

The Countdown

*Swiped from Stacie's site.*

10 Favorites
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Sport: Does Nascar count?
Favorite Time: Bedtime
Favorite Color: Green or Blue
Favorite Actor: Matthew McConoughy
Favorite Actress: Julia Roberts
Favorite Ice Cream: Snicker Sundae
Favorite Food: Steak and potatoes
Favorite Drink: Milk
Favorite Place: Home

9 Currents
Current Feeling: Bored
Current Underwear Color: Orange
Current Windows Open: None
Current Drink: Milk
Current Time: 8:13am
Current Mobile(s) Used: Nextel
Current Show on TV: Dragon Tales
Current Thought: I better get Ryleigh dressed
Current Clothes: Turtle neck and jeans

8 Firsts
First Nickname: Skinny Minny (those were the days)
First Kiss: Jason
First Crush: Keith (my friends older brother)
First Best Friend: Vicky
First Vehicle I drove: whatever my mom was driving at the time
First Job: A&P (loved it!)
First Movie:...Umm, ??
First Pet: I'm sure it was a dog
First Shave: 14 or 15, I was a late bloomer

7 Lasts
Last Drink: Milk
Last Kiss: Ryleigh, this morning
Last Time I Drove: Last night
Last Time Shaved: Yesterday
Last Web Site Visited: Kari's blog
Last Movie Watched: Lion King 1 1/2
Last Pill I Had: Effexor

6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yup
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Sure have
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: No
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast: Yes, I shot the gun
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Nope
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: Yup

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now: The TV, Ryleigh and Cole fighting, humming computer,traffic
Things on Your Bed: Blanket and pillows
Things You Ate Today: Fruit Loops
Things You Can't Live Without: Food and water
Things You Do When You Are Bored: Blog

4 Places You Have Been
Hawaii; Florida; Conneticut; Boston
3 Things On Your Desk Right Now
A heck of alot more than just three things

2 Choices
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Hot or Cold? Cold

1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die
Travel More

Friday, February 17, 2006

No way

Well, would you look at that I actually figured it out on my own. Please tell me the bar is fixed on your screen too! A lot of cutting and pasting all for no reason, cause after cruising the internet I finally found the code to hide the bar. Yeah, for me.
I have been playing around with Photoshop Pro too, but I am finding that I am not a very creative person. I know how to use a couple of really neat tools but lack the artsy gene to pull it all together to make a really cool picture. My husband made a really nice pic for his game website, he is more creative than I am. He cooks way better than I do too. He just throws a whole bunch of seasonings on whatever we are having tastes soooo good. I, on the other hand cook very bland food unless I have a recipe. I haven't figured out why I am so scared of using seasonings. I'll just blame it on my mom and the way she used to cook, sounds like the right thing to do. So now I splurge and by the meat that has already been seasoned at the store, I find it to be very tasty.
OK, that's all folks, not very exciting I know, but I am proud of my accomplishment of conquering the blogger code.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Damn Blogger Bar

Does my blogger bar at the top run straight across your page? It's all bunched up in the corner when I look at it on my computer, stupid thing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The day after

First of all Happy Valentines Day everyone! So far mine has been let's say....uncomfortable. I had my surgery yesterday and all went well with that, but after the anesthia wore off it was a different story. Can I just say that I love the stuff that they put you to sleep with, it really is the greatest stuff! I honestly don't even know if it was my doctor doing the surgery, I remember being wheeled into the operating room and I think someone made a joke because I think I laughed...then again it could have been just a dream. The rest of the day was actually good, I kept popping Lortab and slept alot. The kids must have known that I was out of commission because they were really good. I was pleasantly surprised at how well Mike handled the kids, no major meltdowns. Thanks honey! Now the only problem today is that I am in pain and I really want to take another Lortab but they make me to sleepy. I need to pick up and drop off Cole at school and I don't think they recommend sleeping and driving. Maybe after he gets out i'll take one and try real hard not to doze off. We'll see what happens. Later

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I guess picking out all the peas from the carrots is tiring. Posted by Picasa


I'm not sure what is going on with Ryleigh. The past couple of days she has been peeing in her pants. Now mind you she has been potty trained since the end of the what the hell? The first time it happened I chalked it up to she just didn't make it in time but now it's been a couple of days and she is still doing it. We (and by "we" I mean she) has been converting from the little princess potty to the big girl potty (like mommy). I went into the bathroom the other day and found her using the big girl potty all by herself...yeah Ry! Silly me thought I could put away the little potty, but now I am thinking this is probably not a good idea, seems she keeps peeing in her "panties". The wierd thing is, it's not like she is peeing in the just in the bathroom...she's doing it in the kitchen and her bedroom too. I really hope she gets control of it soon and that it is just some sort of relapse that will clear itself up (quickly).
In other news Cole is doing really well with his letter sounds. He is sounding out 3 letter words now. He recognizes all 12 kids names in his class, in random order. I really don't think it will be long before he will be able to start reading. It's amazing how fast he picked up his letter sounds. He can write most of his letters pretty well too. I had him practice all the kids names before he wrote out their Valentines and he did a great job, that is except for his own name. His name was the messiest, go figure.
I have started working on my St.Patricks day blog but I am in need of assistance. I noticed while surfing to other blogs that some of them are missing the blogger menu thing that is on top, does anyone know how to get rid of it or hide it? Or even how to move the page down so that it doesn't cut off the box that my title is in? I put pictures on my new template...I have finally started using photoshop pro....but they are being covered by that stupid blogger bar. Please help!?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Mini post

So Cole is fine, he puked a coupled of times that morning but was back to normal by lunch. Wierd!
I went to the hernia doctor today and she looked at my belly button and said "yup it's a hernia"...well duh lady I knew that. I am scheduled for surgery on Monday morning, should be a blast!
Not much else to write about so.......later

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Honor roll student

Cole got a very good report at his parent teacher conference yesterday. Yeah Cole! He has all the ablilities that he is supposed to have the only issue is that he needs to be pushed a little to finish his work. He tries to do his work fast so that he can go play so he doesn't focus on doing a good job at first, but with a little prodding he does great! She says it's still a maturity thing that he will grow out of (he is only 4).

OK, so I didn't win the tickets to the show that I want to see but I did win a Dunkin Donuts gift certificate this morning on the radio. Now only if I liked their coffee. Oh well I shouldn't complain.

Speaking of the little guy, he just woke up and came and sat on my lap. OMG...he just puked on me!!!

Just messin' around

Do you like the little fish tail around the corner? He really liked it and started doing it more and more after I went in the house, so I missed it.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It Figures!

Two upsetting things happened to me yesterday. First, I stayed at school with Cole, just to see how he was doing in class. They were all sitting on the carpet doing circle time learning to count by ten and when they got to 30, my oh-so-innocent son says " When I get that old I can drink beer like my dad". All three teachers were laughing their asses off and I wanted to crawl under a rock, I was so embarressed. As if that wasn't bad enough, he was pouring "beer" for everyone in the dress up station. What is the fascination with beer?
The other upsetting that happened was that I really really really want to go see Cirque Du Solei while it's here and the radio station that I listen to was giving away tickets. So I called when I was supposed to and got on air and the tickets were mine to lose, and.... I lost them. Damn it I was soooo close! Hopefully they will be doing it again today because I don't have the $100 a ticket that they are selling for.
We go to Cole's first parent teacher conference today, should be interesting. It feels kind of wierd that I am going to a parent teacher conference for my son when I still have left over awkward high school feelings when I talk to his teacher. Is that wierd or what? I wonder if I will ever grow out of it. I seriously hope that my children develope more confidence then I have!